New Treatment for Undiagnosed Sports Injuries — From Your Dentist
by Pete Organics
21 June, 2019

Sports-related injuries are common and, when an athlete is hurt, care follows a proven, long-standing protocol of rehabilitation. But what happens when impact occurs to the head, face or jaw, and — at the time — no immediate injury is diagnosed?
Weeks, months or even years later, many of these players begin to experience headaches, TMJ/D, migraines, vertigo or tinnitus — estimated to impact 50 million people in the U.S. to some degree.
“Undiagnosed head trauma from sports injuries — or other types of impact, including minor car accidents — is one of the most common causes we see of chronic headaches, migraine, tinnitus and vertigo,” says Dr. Ben Burris, an orthodontist with 28 clinics in Arkansas.
Now, these long-term and sometimes debilitating conditions can often be resolved with a painless, non-invasive treatment without drugs or needles — and all at the dentist’s office.
“For over three years, we have been able to help patients with conditions caused by sports injuries,” says Dr. Tad Morgan of Tyler, Texas. “If you damaged your knee or shoulder, you would go to the sports medicine clinic for rehab. With injuries to the head, face or jaw, rehab was unavailable until the advent of TruDenta care.”
Once diagnosed using a painless, digitally enhanced process, patients receive treatment through a proprietary combination of FDA-cleared, low-level laser therapy, therapeutic ultrasound and other modalities. Each of these was originally developed by MDs in sports medicine to speed the healing of joints and force-related traumas. The TruDenta system can quickly resolve issues in the head, neck, face and jaw, which people may have suffered for years.